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Dart is a shy Betta, but give him a little time and he'll warm right up to you! Once he does, he loves to dart around to get your attention, before showing off his beautiful fins! A sweetheart through and through, he loves to watch people as they go about their day, face up against the glass to get a good view!

When we got Dart, he had a gimpy fin, which only allowed him to swim in small circles. Within a couple days, he developed other issues, such as Popeye, Gill Disease, and Fin Rot. After many different medicines, he finally seems to be healing, and hopefully his fins (which are still slightly tattered in this image) will fully heal soon! 

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Lucia is a shy and sweet girl, without a mean bone in her entire body! As curious as they come, she will thoroughly examine any and all new items in her tank, from algae scrubbers to new decoration shells! She's a picky eater, sometimes refusing any food except for her favorite meal of brine shrimp! 

Lucia was a baby when we got her, and she had a terrible case of swim bladder. Nothing seemed to get her better, and after every meal she would float. After trying many different diets, a few meals were found that she could properly digest, and she now spends her days swimming in her plants and watching her snails!

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Princess is the sassiest, strongest Betta I've met! She knows what she wants and how to get it. She will only eat her favorite foods, and will make a big scene of refusing any other food offered to her. She will flare at, and even attack, any cleaning tools in her tank! Despite her sassy attitude though, she is a really sweet girl and will often swim right up into the palm of my hand, letting me pet her while I'm re-planting plants or arranging her tank. 

Princess was not sick when we got her, but my mom saw her in her cup, all beige and drab, and was worried nobody else would take her. After a couple weeks, she began to turn pink, and now, she is a vibrant pink and red, and happy as a clam! 

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Midnight is a peaceful, calm Betta, who loves hanging out with people, and will always be right up against the glass when people are nearby! She radiates peaceful energy, and currently cohabits with six Neon Tetras, all of whom she treats like friends!

We got Midnight as a baby, thinking she was sick. It turns out that she was not sick, and was merely depressed! As soon as she was out of the cup and in a tank, she perked up and became fully better, swimming and exploring and enjoying the good things in life!

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